0 UNKNOWN STRING 100 ScriptedWindowDresser 101 MGIScriptedWindowDresser Class 500 Input Image 501 Output Image 502 Selection Mask 503 Output Catalog 504 File Name 510 Rectangle Top 511 Rectangle Bottom 512 Rectangle Left 513 Rectangle Right 514 &Abort 515 &Retry 516 &Ignore 517 &Yes 518 &No 700 Arial 701 1 1001 Mirage 1002 Resource Protocol 1003 Protocol Manager 1004 Easel 1005 Dilate filter 1006 Erode filter 1007 Open filter 1008 Image Enhance 1009 RedEyeRemoval 1010 Median filter 1011 Edge detection 1012 Closing 1013 AlphatoRGB 1014 RGBtoHLS colour convertor 1015 Cartoon 1016 SmartSelection 1017 Checkerboard 1018 Brighness and Contrast 1019 Fog 1020 Gamma Correction 1021 Decimator 1022 SpanArray 1023 Print Preview 1024 Print Preview Filter 1025 Undo Stack 1026 Shape Selection 1027 Editor Settings 1028 Mosaic 1029 Threshold 1030 Convolution 1031 Glass 1032 Gauss Blur 1033 Glass Maker 1034 Smart Blur 1035 Wind 1036 Transfer map 1037 Error Object 1038 Image Tile 1039 IPL Cache 1040 IPL Resize and Rotate 1041 Resize 1042 Resize and Rotate 1043 Rotate 1044 Tilize 1045 Warp 1046 Warp Plugin 1047 Catalog Item Generator 1048 Web Album 1049 Status Bar 1050 Scripted Workflow 1051 Scripted Catalog 1052 Point 2D Generator 1053 Photo Web 1054 DataSource Link Manager 1055 Output Easel 1056 Email Photo 1057 Float 2D Generator 1058 Image Diff 1059 CTF Catalog 1060 Image Layout 1061 Layout Plugin 1062 ArgDesc 1063 ArgTable 1064 Button 1065 CatalogChooser 1066 CatalogEditor 1067 ColorGenerator 1068 ColorIndicator 1069 ColorPalette 1070 ColorPopup 1071 ComboBox 1072 FloatEdit Control 1073 Float Generator 1074 Integer Generator 1075 ListBox 1076 Pen Settings Control 1077 Progress Control Manager 1078 Registry 1079 ScrollBarRenderer 1080 Slider 1081 SliderRenderer 1082 Smart Argument Editor 1083 Smart Argument Generator 1084 SpinControl 1085 Static Text Control 1086 String Array Generator 1087 StringEdit 1088 String Generator 1089 Workflow Manager 1090 Integer Edit Control 1091 Command Stack 1092 Type Face Generator 1093 ColorHS 1094 ColorHue 1095 ColorLight 1096 ColorSaturation 1097 TempFile Service 1098 Http Protocol 1099 Format loader edit output parameters BMP 1100 Format loader edit output parameters FlashPIX 1101 Format loader edit output parameters GIF 1102 Format loader edit output parameters JPG 1103 Format loader edit output parameters PCX 1104 Format loader edit output parameters PNG 1105 Format loader edit output parameters Seattle Film Works 1106 Format loader edit output parameters Targa 1107 Format loader edit output parameters TIFF 1108 Format Loader BMP 1109 Format Loader DIB 1110 Format Loader FlashPix 1111 FlashPix System Administrator 1112 Format Loader GIF 1113 Format Loader JPG 1114 Format Loader Kodak PhotoCD 1115 Format Loader Floppy Shots 1116 Format Loader PCX 1117 Format Loader PNG 1119 Format Loader Seattle Film Works 1120 Format Loader TIFF 1121 Scripted Window Dresser 1122 Window Dresser Manager 1123 File Protocol Handler 1124 Image Saver 1125 Image Loader 1126 Simple URL Name 1127 Audio Loader 1128 Sound Output 1129 Audio Player 1130 Clock 1131 DDViewer 1132 DDPreviewWindow 1133 Format Loader Stream Wav 1134 Format Loader Wav 1135 Sequencer 1136 Speaker 1137 Ticker 1138 Box Effect 1139 Wipe Effect 1140 Push Effect 1141 Slide-In Effect 1142 Mosaic1 Effect 1143 Transition 1144 Catalog Loader 1145 Browser Object 1146 Browser Object Handler 1147 Catalog Item Editor 1148 Flip Filter 1149 IdleQ Server 1150 Image Source Collection 1151 New Image 1152 Get Image Protocol 1153 Format Loader MSC 1154 Catalog Item 1155 Format Loader Image 1156 Memory Protocol Handler 1157 Memory Object Manager 1158 Drop Shadow 1159 ImageViewer 1160 Command Dispatcher 1161 Text Effect 1162 Snow Filter 1163 Randomize (Scatter Pixels) Filter 1164 Object List 1165 Image To Point 1166 Output Point 1167 Image Debug Tap 1168 Image Constant Colour 1169 Easel 1170 ColorToning 1171 Posterize 1172 Camera Protocol 1173 Twain Protocol 1174 KodakDC120 1175 KodakDC50 1176 Sanyo 1177 Image Editor 1178 Dummy Camera 1179 ImageDevice Protocol Handler 1180 ObjectTable 1181 Oil Paint 1182 Water Colour 1183 Cartoonize 1184 Resource Window Dresser 1185 Active Editor Proxy 1186 Template Easel 1187 Input Device Manager 1188 Animated Logo Control 1189 Split Filter 1190 DrawTool Plug-in 1191 Catalog Listbox 1192 Layout Saver 1193 Default Command Target 1195 SelectionDraw 1196 Magic Wand 1197 Text Editor 1198 Text Renderer 1199 Image Framer 1200 Brush 1207 Context Proxy 1208 Event Proxy 2000 Mirage Height % 2001 Blend Strength|Strong|Medium|Weak 2002 Direction 2003 Brightness 2004 Contrast 2005 Intensity 2006 Decimated size 2007 Gamma Level 2008 Output Mask 2009 Foreground Color 2010 Background Color 2011 Paint Blend 2012 Pattern Size 2015 Thickness 2016 Radius 2017 Glass Depth 2018 Glass Scale 2019 Blur Size 2020 Speed 2021 Transmap Depth 2022 Hue 2023 Lightness 2024 Saturation 2025 Rotation Angle 2026 Resizing Rate 2027 New Size 2028 Aspect Lock 2029 Image Tiling Size 2030 CatalogChooser Input 2031 CatalogChooser Output 2032 ColorGenerator Output 2033 Float Generator Output 2034 Integer Generator Output 2035 ScrollBarRenderer Up Button Output 2036 ScrollBarRenderer Down Button Output 2037 ScrollBarRenderer Left Button Output 2038 ScrollBarRenderer Right Button Output 2039 ScrollBarRenderer Thumb Button Output 2040 ScrollBarRenderer Horizontal Track Output 2041 ScrollBarRenderer Vertical Track Output 2042 SliderRenderer Backgorund 2043 SliderRenderer Left Button Output 2044 SliderRenderer Right Button Output 2045 SliderRenderer Thumb Button Output 2046 String Array Generator Output 2047 String Generator Output 2048 Input ColorHS 2049 Input ColorHue 2050 Input ColorLight 2051 Input ColorSaturation 2052 Http Protocol Input 2053 Font Name 2054 Font Weight 2055 Point Size 2056 Font Red Color 2057 Font Green Color 2058 Font Blue Color 2059 Is Italicized 2060 Output Catalog Name 2061 Transition Start Image Input 2062 Transition Final Image Input 2063 Transition Transition Effect Input 2064 Transition Percentage Complete Input 2065 Transition Input Direction Input 2066 Transition Effect Direction Input 2067 Transition Effect Block Size Input 2068 Sequencer Catalog Input 2069 Sequencer Timer Tick Input 2070 Sequencer Playback Index Input 2071 Sequencer Image default Duration Input 2072 Sequencer Transition Default Duration Input 2073 Sequencer Playback Direction Input 2074 Sequencer Playback Mode Input 2075 Sequencer Background Sound Name Input 2076 Sequencer Background Sound Playback Mode Input 2077 Sequencer Video Mode Input 2078 Thumbnail= 2079 numsections= 2080 Local Hard Drives 2081 GETCAMPROTOCOLHANDLER 2082 Shadow X Shift 2083 Shadow Y Shift 2084 Shadow Density 2085 Blur Radius 2086 Input String 2087 Input Text Face 2088 Put your text here! 2089 Wetness 2090 Direction 2091 Intensity 2092 Size 2093 Depth 2094 Input ColorPalette 2095 Input Gradient 2096 Input Gradient Direction 2097 Color Levels 2098 Swirl 2099 Twain Scanning 2100 ActiveCatalog 2101 GETTWAINOBJECT 2102 ObjName= 2103 ObjClsid= 2104 MainEasel 2105 CatalogName Loaded Images 2106 Main Active Viewers 2107 on 2108 Smart selection module2 2109 Color Level|High|Medium|Low 2110 Template Easel File Name 2113 Invalid matchcode. Aborting... 2114 This version of PhotoSuite II has expired. 2115 Zoom Level : 2116 Sanyo 2117 COM1 2118 COM2 2119 COM3 2120 COM4 2121 9600 2122 19200 2123 38400 2124 57600 2125 115200 2126 230400 2127 Twain Device 2128 Flip Image 2147 Kodak Digital Camera 2148 Input width parameter 2149 Input tolerance parameter 2207 Set as Wallpaper 2208 Frame Thickness Ratio 2209 Title 2210 Ripples 2211 Ripple strength 2212 Swirl angle 2213 Spherize height 2214 Title 2215 Description 2216 File Name 2217 File Date 2218 Sound 2219 Red:%d Green:%d Blue:%d 2220 R:%d G:%d B:%d 2221 File Size 2228 Pattern Size 2229 Intensity 2238 Drop shadow color 2239 Edge Fading 2240 Standard 2241 High 2242 Super High 1 2243 Super High 2 2244 On 2245 Off 2246 Auto 2247 On 2248 Off 2249 Auto 2250 1/4 2251 1/8 2252 1/15 2253 1/30 2254 1/60 2255 1/125 2256 1/250 2257 1/500 2258 &Prompt For Options 2259 Super High 2260 MGI PhotoSuite II wallpaper 2387 Jan 2388 Feb 2389 Mar 2390 Apr 2391 May 2392 Jun 2393 Jul 2394 Aug 2395 Sep 2396 Oct 2397 Nov 2398 Dec 2399 January 2400 February 2401 March 2402 April 2403 May 2404 June 2405 July 2406 August 2407 September 2408 October 2409 November 2410 December 2411 S M T W T F S 2412 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2413 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2416 Hue 2417 Saturation 2418 Style|Sand|Ball|Wave|Prism 2419 Glass Depth 2420 Type|Vertical|Horizontal|Both 2421 Best Fit 2422 Direction|Left Light|Right Light 2423 Height 2424 Put your text here! 2425 Select Paint Color 2426 Select Fill Color 2427 Intensity 2428 Style|Scatter|Block|Circle|Square 2429 Wind Direction|From left|From right 2430 Region|Light Area|Dark Area 2431 Radius 2432 Painting Type|Oil Paint|Water Color 2433 Type|Normal Sharpen|Sharpen More 2434 Intensity 2435 Value 2480 &Select 2481 Image 2482 Album 2483 Template 2484 Sound 2485 Other 2486 Video 2490 Item Properties 2491 Property 2492 Value 2500 Get Photo 2501 Computer 2502 Album 2503 Digital Camera (Direct) 2504 Scanner (TWAIN) 2505 Online Photo Service 2506 Edit Photo 2507 Rotate & Crop 2508 Touch Up & Transform 2509 Touch Up 2510 Special Effects 2511 Warp 2512 Save, Print & Send 2513 Save 2514 Save As 2515 Close 2516 Print 2517 Print Multiples 2518 Send Via E-mail 2519 Create Web Page 2520 Photo Layouts 2521 Collage from Current Photo 2522 New 2523 Collage from Other Photo 2525 Photo Packages 2526 Group Photos 2527 Cards & Calendars 2528 Yearly Calendars 2529 3-Month Calendars 2530 Monthly Calendars 2531 Bookmarks 2532 Greeting Cards 2533 Postcards 2534 Fun 2535 Sport Cards 2536 Backgrounds 2537 Concert Passes 2538 Sport Tickets 2539 Fun IDs 2540 Magazine Covers 2541 Posters 2542 Photo Fun 2543 Business 2544 Certificates 2545 Promotions 2546 Labels & Stickers 2547 Business Cards 2548 Page Layouts 2549 Create Slide Show 2550 Create Web Slide Show 2551 PHOTO STREET 2552 Home 2553 Guide Book 2554 PHOTOzine 2555 Photo Showcase 2556 Tips & Tricks 2557 Online Photo Services 2558 PhotoNet 2559 Kodak PhotoNet Online 2560 Pictranet 2561 Sony ImageStation 2562 Photos Online 2563 Lycos Pictures & Sounds 2564 Photos-To-Go 2565 Updates 2566 FotoWire 2567 Cool Stuff 2568 Bits & Pieces 2569 New Look 2570 Get Photo 2571 Fix Photo 2572 Create 2573 Save & Share 2574 Remove Red Eye 2575 Create Web Album 2576 Other Services 2577 Comic Book Pages 2578 Photo Albums 2579 Wedding Collection 2580 Konica (*.kqp) 2581 Name Tags 2582 Lycos Pictures & Sounds 2599 Sounds (*.wav)|*.WAV 2600 Windows Metafile (*.wmf,*.emf) 2601 TIFF (*.tiff,*.tif) 2602 Targa Image (*.tga,*.vda,*.icb,*.vst) 2603 STiNG (*.stn,*.stng) 2604 Seattle Film Works (*.sfw) 2605 Sun Raster (*.ras) 2606 Adobe PhotoShop (*.psd) 2607 Portable Network Graphic (*.png) 2608 PC Painbrush (*.pcx) 2609 Floppy Shot (*.pic) 2610 Kodak PhotoCD (*.pcd) 2611 JPEG Image (*.jpg,*.jpe,*.jpeg) 2612 GEM Image (*.img) 2613 CompuServe Image (*.gif) 2614 FPX Format (*.fpx) 2615 Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps,*.epsi,*.epsf) 2616 Windows Bitmap (*.bmp,*.rle,*.dib) 2617 Album file (*.pza) 2618 All Image Formats 2619 Project file (*.pzp) 2620 Slide Show (*.pzs) 2621 All files (*.*) 2622 Black & White 2623 16 Colors 2624 256 Colors 2625 Grayscale 2626 16 Million 2627 None 2628 Progressive 2629 Generate Sub Images 2630 Lossless 2631 Visually Lossless 2632 KB 2633 Advanced Streaming Format (*.asf) 2634 WAV (*.wav) 2635 All Files (*.*) 2636 PhotoSuite 1.0/8.0 album (*.ctf) 2637 Title 2638 Description 2639 Author 2640 Subject 2641 People in Photo 2642 Rating 2643 Category 2644 Comments 2645 Keywords 2646 Copyright 2647 Event 2648 Owner 2649 Place 2650 Source 2651 Camera 2652 Lens 2653 Aperture 2654 Film Type 2655 Shutter Speed 2656 Filter 2657 Department 2658 Internet Expoler version 4.72.2106.8 or higher is required to run PhotoSuite II . Please (re)install IE or run PhotoSuite II setup program to fix this problem. 2659 Missing components. Please reinstall PhotoSuite II. 2660 Your current display settings do not meet the minimum requirements that MGI PhotoSuite II needs to display your photos effectively. \n\nIt is suggested that you change your display settings to High Color (16-bit) or more and a display area of 800x600 or more. 2661 Drag your Photos here. 2662 Registry entry keyName(%s) valueName(%s) does not exist. You must reinstall the application. 2663 Picture Quality 2664 Compression Level 2665 All PhotoSuite Formats 2666 Agfa EPhoto 2667 Olympus 320 2668 Epson PhotoPC 2669 Display settings check 2670 Operating system could not finish printing your document. Please free some space on the drive where Windows is installed and try again. 2671 Audio files (*.wav, *.mid, ...) 2672 Video files (*.avi, *.mp*, ...) 2680 Edge Effects 2681 Items 2682 Item 2683 kodak.photonet.com:3011;imagestation.photonet.com:3011 2684 kodak.photonet.com:3011;kodak53.photonet.com:3011;kodak55.photonet.com:3011;imagestation.photonet.com:3011 2685 PHOTONET_PRINT_SERVER_00 2686 /Photos/Photonet 2687 Kodak PhotoNet Online;kodakPN.photonet.com:3011;http://kodakPN.photonet.com/cgi-pv/flogin.pl?Order= 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 3069 Options 4001 Requested file %S does not exist on %S. 4002 Can't load requested file %S. 4003 Unknown Font|The font '%S' doesn't exist on the system. The closest match has been chosen. 4004 Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing directory: %S? 4005 Select directory: 4006 Add photo to 5001 &What's This? 5002 More %d-%d 5536 Presenting the MGI PhotoSuite II team. 5537
 Select a Template
5540 Year: 5541 Month: 5542 Start Month: 5543 To adjust photo size and position, drag any of the round handles. When finished, click Next. 5544 To Modify text, click on it. A text editor will appear. To add text, click anywhere on the project to start the text editor. When finished, click Next. 5545 your Photo Project.
Click the Projects button to jump to the project area where you can continue editing.
Click the Done button when you are finished. You will be shown your original photo. 5546 Width: 5547 Film: 5548

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5550 Rotation Angle: 5551 Paint: 5552 Opacity: 5553 Intensity: 5554 A: 5555 B: 5556 Preview 5557 Category: 5558 TWAIN Device: 5559 File Name Prefix: 5560 Select Photo Quality: 5561 Add Text 5562 Add Props 5563 Print 5564 Print Photo Package 5565 Send via E-mail 5566 Set as Wallpaper 5567 Sport Cards 5568 Greeting Cards 5569 Posters 5570 Magazine Covers 5571 Computer 5572 Album 5573 Digital Camera - Direct 5574 Digital Camera - TWAIN 5575 Scanner 5576 Online Photo Service 5577 Rotate and Crop 5578 Fix Colors 5579 Remove Red Eye 5580 Remove Blemishes 5581 Auto Enhance 5582 Brighten or Darken 5583 Adjust Colors 5584 Add Things to Photos 5585 Photo Projects 5586 Monthly Calendars 5587 Quarterly Calendars 5588 Yearly Calendars 5589 Get Photo 5590 Fix Photo 5591 Create 5592 Save & Share 5593 Copyright 5594 License 5595 Credits 5596 Close 5597 Back 5598 Maximize Navigation Panel 5599 Minimize Navigation Panel 5600 Upload 5601 Close 5602 New Film 5603 Upload To New 5604 Upload to New Film 5605 Close 5606 Open 5607 Open the picture 5608 Close 5609 Configure... 5610 Set Camera Communication Options 5611 Browse... 5612 Browse for a target album|Browse for an Album to Add the downloaded photos into 5613 Delete after Download 5614 Close 5615 New Film... 5616 Browse for a target album|Browse for an Album to Add the downloaded photos into 5617 Close 5618 Browse... 5619 Browse for a target album 5620 Get Photo... 5621 Preview 5622 Effect: 5623 Apply 5624 Reset 5625 Straighten 5626 Reset Line 5627 Reset Straightening Line 5628 Cancel 5629 Add 5630 Remove 5631 Touchups: 5632 MGI PhotoSuite II version 5633 Copyright© 1998 MGI Software Corp.
All rights reserved. 5634 This product is licensed to: 5635 Product ID: 5636 To continue, select an activity from the Activity List. 5637 Select a category: 5638 Drag or double-click a Prop to place it in your photo. 5639 Click anywhere on the photo. 5640 Edit the text in the dialog below. 5641 To add more red to your photo, move the hue slider to the right. To add more green, move the hue slider to the left. 5642 Click Apply and Done when you are satisfied. Click Done to continue. 5643 Preview 5644 Your photo is being previewed with the Auto Enhance touchup. 5645 If you are satisfied with the results click Apply, then Done. If you don't like the results simply click Done. 5646 To brighten your photo, move the brightness slider to the right. To darken it, move the brightness slider to the left. The contrast of your photo can be adjusted in a similar manner. Click Apply, then Done when you are satisfied. To end the guide click Done. 5647  Previous Page  5648  Next Page  5649 Your Photo Project is complete. 5650 Save 5651 Print 5652 E-mail 5653 Zoom to the blemishes by using the Zoom tool. 5654 Click the Brush tool. 5655 Adjust the brush size. 5656 Click on the blemishes with the brush. 5657 Use the Zoom tool to zoom into the eyes. 5658 Click the Brush tool. 5659 Adjust the brush size. 5660 Click on the eyes to remove the red. 5661 Use the rotate and flip commands to change the orientation of your photo.
Click next to continue.

5662 To crop or discard portions of your photo, adjust the size of the frame using the handles. When satisfied, click Crop. To end the guide click Done.

5663 Back 5664 Home 5665  Back  5666  Home  5667  Undo  5668  Redo  5669  Previous Page  5670  Next Page  5671 MGI Activity Guides 5672
5673 Create monthly, quarterly and yearly calendars, quickly and easily. 5674 Make your own Sport Cards to trade with friends. 5675 Mark a special occasion by adding your favorite photo to a Greeting Card for friends and family. 5676 Put your photo on a Poster to decorate the home or office. 5677 Put your photo on a Magazine Cover. 5678
5679 Save your current photo. 5680
Save As
5681 Save your current photo in a new location. 5682 Print your current photo. 5683
Print Multiples
5684 Print Multiple copies of your photo on a single page. 5685 Share your photos with friends and family by E-mail. 5686 Set your photo as Windows wallpaper. 5687 Get photos from your computer’s hard drive, removable drive, CD-ROM or floppy disk. 5688 Get photos directly from your Scanner using PhotoSuite II. 5689 Get photos directly from your Digital Camera. 5690 Get photos from your Digital Camera using TWAIN. 5691 Use Rotate and Crop to position, resize or change the aspect ratio of your photo. 5692 Use Fix Colors to Automatically Enhance your photo or manually adjust the Brightness or Colors. 5693 Use Remove Red Eye to eliminate this unwanted effect from flash photos. 5694 Use Remove Blemishes to eliminate many undesirable flaws and defects from photos. 5695 Select Auto Enhance to fix most photo problems automatically. 5696 Choose Brighten or Darken to manually adjust the exposure of your photo. 5697 Choose Adjust Colors to manually correct color problems with your photo. 5698 Personalize your photos by Adding Text. Dress up your pictures with photo-realistic Props. 5699 Create a Calendar, make Sport Cards for the team, add a photo to a Greeting Card, or decorate the home or office with Posters and Magazine Covers. 5700 Add photos to one of the monthly calendars - great for weekly or monthly planning. 5701 Add photos to one of the quarterly calendars - great for planning in 3-month segments. 5702 Add photos to one of the yearly calendars - a full year on one page or sheet. 5703 Add text to your photo. 5704 Add props to your photo. 5705 Get photos from your Computer, from a TWAIN device, or directly from your Digital Camera. Use your Scanner to refresh and renew old photos. Download photos from your favorite Online Photo Service. 5706 Use Fix Photo to improve all your photos. To touch up your photo, select Fix Colors, Remove Red Eye or Remove Blemishes. 5707 Dress up your photos and create photo masterpieces. You can Add Things to Photos or choose from a wide selection of Photo Projects such as Greeting Cards and Calendars. 5708 Save your photo to your hard disk or floppy disk. Share your photos and projects with friends, family and business associates by Printing a Copy, Print Multiples or sending your photos via E-mail. 5709 < Back 5710 Next > 5711 Done 5712 Add Props 5713 Add Text 5714 Adjust Colors 5715 Auto Enhance 5716 Brighten or Darken 5717 Photo Projects 5718 Remove Blemishes 5719 Remove Red Eye 5720 Rotate and Crop 5721 Add Things to Photos 5722 Calendars 5723 Create 5724 Fix Colors 5725 Fix Photo 5726 Get Photo 5727 Photo Projects 5728 Save & Share 5729 Click here to 5730 Save As 5740 Move the Hue slider to change the colors 5741 Download photos directly from your Online Photo Service using PhotoSuite II. 5750 Add A Frame To The Selected Object 5751 Remove 5752 Go back to previous step 5753 Skip this step and go to next one 5754 Apply the changes and go to next step 5755 Apply the changes 5756 or 6000 There was a problem trying to save the current image. 6001 %S: The file is corrupt 6002 %S: Error occurred while trying to read file. File might be already open, file might be corrupted or file type is unsupported. 6003 %S: Invalid moniker 6004 %S: Unsupported file format 6005 Cannot acquire timer. 6006 Your camera was not found. Please ensure that your camera is securely connected to the computer's communication port and that it is turned on. 6007 Camera operation failed. 6008 File(s) Already Exists|One or more of the dropped files already exists. 6009 Power down time must be between 1 and 5 minutes. 6010 Unknown Format|One or more of the dropped file(s) has an unknown format. 6011 Item Changed|The item has changed. Do you wish to apply the changes? 6012 The photo is currently protected from deletion by your camera. Delete anyway? 6014 Unknown site|Can't open site %S 6016 Untitled 6017 Invalid password 6018 Custom Size 6019 EGA(240x320) 6020 VGA(480x640) 6021 SVGA(600x800) 6022 XGA(768x1024) 6023 Wallet(2x3) 6024 (5x7) 6025 (8x10) 6026 (4x6) 6027 (10x12) 6028 (9x12) 6030 pixels 6031 in. 6032 cm 6033 The graphics returned from your scanner is faulty and cannot be displayed. Reset your scanner and software and try again. 6034 There is not enough memory to hold the image. Please adjust the resolution of your scan. 6035 Are you sure you want to delete image(s) from camera? 6036 The specified image could not be deleted/downloaded from the camera since it could not be found. Please refresh the Album for an accurate depiction of the camera contents. 6037 Cannot transfer image to PhotoSuite II. Please make sure that there is enough space on the drive where PhotoSuIte II is installed. 6038 Could not make destination file or directory. Check the filename. Please refresh the Album for an accurate depiction of the camera contents. 6039 Could not save this image because you already have 10000 files with the same prefix. Please change the prefix and try again. 6049 Cannot find the file %s. 6050 Would you like to save changes to %S before closing it? 6051 Do you want to replace the existing %S file? 6052 File Not Found|%s: Cannot find the file referred to. Do you wish to browse for the file? 6053 Wrong Date Format|The typed date is invalid. 6054 Unable to save file. 6055 You have turned off one or more of the Multimedia settings that PhotoSuite II requires to function properly. The Internet Options dialog will re-appear to allow you to turn them back on. Select the Advanced tab and scroll down to where the Multimedia settings are found and ensure that all options are checked. 6056 Wrong volume (%S) in the CDROM drive; please insert volume %S into the drive and click Retry. 6057 No CD in the CDROM drive; please insert volume %S and click Retry. 6058 Apparently, no CDROM drive is installed in the system. 6059 This album was saved in an older version of PhotoSuite. Saving this file will cause it to be saved in a newer format. 6060 The file %S is in use by another application. Please close the file in any applications which may be using it, then try again. 6061 Access to the file %S is denied. It might be read-only. 6062 The album file %S could not be opened. It may not be a PhotoSuite II album, or the file could be corrupt. 6063 There is no such Account on this server. 6064 An error occurred while connecting to or communicating with the server. 6065 The total cost of the transaction will be %S. Do you accept? 6066 The billing information was not correct. Please try again. 6067 Incorrect image dimensions 6068 Unknown Image|The Selected file has a unknown image format. 6069 Favo&rites 6070 Fit To Page 6071 (4x3) 6072 50% 6073 100% 6074 150% 6075 200% 6076 Upload to Online Photo Service 6077 Print to Online Photo Service 6078 Digital Camera (TWAIN) 6079 No related rolls were found. 6080 The name field is empty. You should enter a valid username. 6081 The roll field is empty. You should enter a valid film identification, or get and choose from the list of related rolls. 6082 The server field is empty. Please enter a valid server. 6083 The account field is empty. Please enter your account name. 6084 The password field is empty. Please enter your account password. 6086 Could not establish a connection to the server. 6087 The selected image could no longer be found on the server. Please try again. 6088 There is no film roll with that ID on the server. 6090 The customer name field is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6091 The phone number field is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6092 The e-mail field is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6093 The credit card number is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6094 The credit card expiry date is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6095 The scanning location field is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6096 The store location field is invalid. Please correct the information and retry. 6097 Access to the server is denied. 6098 There has been a problem accessing a temporary file. 6099 Uploading image to Online Photo Service... 6100 Creating new film on the server... 6101 Downloading image from server... 6102 Retrieving thumbnails from server... 6103 Receiving information... 6104 Connecting to server... 6105 Getting price information... 6106 Locating film on the network... 6107 Downloading list of known servers... 6108 Downloading list of related films... 6109 Registering billing information with server... 6110 Leave contents of the clipboard for other applications? 6111 Low (384x256) 6112 Medium VGA (576x384) 6113 Medium SVGA (768x512) 6114 High (960x640) 6115 Maximum (1536x1024) 6116 Not all photos could be uploaded to the Online Photo Service. 6117 The local information for film %S, owned by %S, indicates the roll has expired. Do you wish to confirm this with the Online Photo Service? Click No to remove the film from your system. 6118 The film %S has expired, and is no longer available. 6119 You have downloaded a photo or photos that have additional associated data. PhotoSuite II has created the following additional files in the %S folder.\n%S 6120 Kodak DC 20 6121 Kodak DC 25 6122 Kodak DC 40 6123 Kodak DC 50 6124 Kodak DC 120 6125 Kodak DC 210 6126 Kodak DC 220 6127 An error occurred trying to determine the roll's expiry date. PhotoSuite II will not expire it now. 6128 -- Search for account -- 6129 Locating account... 6130 The account was not located by the search. Please make sure that your account and password information is correct. 6131 A problem occurred saving the file %S. It was not saved. 6132 There was a problem saving the file %S into the file %S. %S was not saved. 6133 The file %S could not be loaded. 6134 There was a problem extracting the file %S from %S. %S could not be loaded. 6135 There was a problem saving the file %S. The item causing the problem has been selected; please review it. You may want to delete it before attempting to save again. 6136 An Internet connection has not been defined. You may not be able to access the Internet. To define an Internet connection, start the 'Internet Setup Wizard' found in the 'Internet Explorer' program group. 6137 Waiting for connection... 6138 Done. 6139 Opening page: 6140 There are no photo files to print. 6141 MGI PhotoSuite II cannot create your Web Album. It does not contain any images supported by PhotoSuite ll. 6142 New Collage from Photo 6143 Browse 6144 MGI PhotoSuite II has created a new roll on the Online Photo Service. The roll identification is %S; the cost is %S. 6145 Uploading image %d of %d to Online Photo Service... 6146 The current operation cannot be completed. A connection to the Internet could not be established or an error occured while communicating with the Online Photo Service.\nTo exit the Online Photo Service page click Cancel to close the %S dialog, then click Close to leave the page. 6147 The current operation cannot be completed. A connection to the Internet could not be established or an error occured while communicating with the Online Photo Service.\nTo exit the Online Photo Service page click Close. 6200 3.5 x 5 (Portrait) 6201 5 x 3.5 (Landscape) 6202 4 x 6 (Portrait) 6203 6 x 4 (Landscape) 6204 5 x 7 (Portrait) 6205 7 x 5 (Landscape) 6206 8 x 10 (Portrait) 6207 10 x 8 (Landscape) 6220 9 x 13 (Portrait) 6221 13 x 9 (Landscape) 6222 10 x 15 (Portrait) 6223 15 x 10 (Landscape) 6224 13 x 18 (Portrait) 6225 18 x 13 (Landscape) 6226 15 x 20 (Portrait) 6227 20 x 15 (Landscape) 6228 18 x 24 (Portrait) 6229 24 x 18 (Landscape) 6300 Your Web page was successfully created. You may find %S in %S. 6301 Your Web pages were successfully created. You may find it in %S. 6302 PhotoSuite was unable to create your web page. 6303 PhotoSuite was unable to create a %S \n folder for your web page(s). 6304 MGI PhotoSuite II is unable to start. Your system is critically low on disk space. MGI PhotoSuite II needs at least %d megabytes of space available on your disk drive. Please close other programs, delete files and/or empty the Recycle Bin, then restart MGI PhotoSuite II. 6305 Your system is low on disk space. MGI PhotoSuite II needs approximately %d megabytes of space available on your disk drive to function effectively. Please close other programs, delete files and/or empty the Recycle Bin. MGI\nPhotoSuite II may have problems using large files.\n 6306 Your system is getting low on disk space. MGI PhotoSuite II needs approximately %d megabytes of space available on your disk drive. Please close other programs, delete files and/or empty the Recycle Bin. 6307 MGI PhotoSuite II 6308 There is not enough system hard drive space available to complete the current operation. To avoid losing your changes, please save your file now. You may also free some hard drive space by closing other programs, deleting files, and/or emptying the Recycling Bin. 6309 MGI PhotoSuite II digital photo. 6310 This digital photograph was sent from MGI PhotoSuite II: The Complete PC Photography Experience. Visit http://www.mgisoft.com for more information. 6311 MGI PhotoSuite II Slide Show 6312 This digital slide show was sent from MGI PhotoSuite II: The Complete PC Photography Experience. Visit http://www.mgisoft.com for more information. To download the player, point your browser to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/download/default.asp 6313 Retrieving information from the camera... 6314 Downloading image from camera... 6315 Downloading audio from camera... 6316 Downloading thumbnail from camera... 6317 Deleting... 6318 COM 6319 9600 6320 19200 6321 38400 6322 57600 6323 115200 6324 Auto-detect 6325 Serial port 6326 Infrared port (IrDA) 6327 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 6328 Kodak DC 260 6329 Create New Film 6330 New Film 6400 Save Photo 6401 Save Project 6402 Save Album 6403 Save Slide Show 6404 Add photo to Photo 6405 Add photo to Project 6406 Add photo to Album 6407 Add photo to Slide Show 6408 Would you like to save changes to Photo %S before closing it? 6409 Would you like to save changes to Project %S before closing it? 6410 Would you like to save changes to Album %S before closing it? 6411 Would you like to save changes to Slide Show %S before closing it? 7000 New|Click to create a new photo, project, album, or slide show. The New dialog will be displayed, in which general attributes can be specified. 7001 Open|Click to open an existing photo, album, project, or slide show into the Work area. Choose the appropriate file type from the file type drop down list box. 7002 Save|Click to save the active photo, project, album, or slide show. If the file has not been named, or it currently resides on a read-only storage medium such as CD-ROM, the Save as dialog will be displayed. 7003 Print|Click to send the photo which you are currently editing to the default printer. Prior to printing, you will be presented with an opportunity to change a number of printer settings in the Print Preview window. You can drag the photo to position it on the page manually, or automatically center it by clicking the positioning buttons. When you are ready to print, click the Print button. 7004 Cut|Click to cut the selection from the Work area and store it temporarily in the Windows Clipboard. Depending on the selection type, it can be pasted into another photo, project, album, slide show, or into a completely different application file. 7005 Copy|Click to copy the selection from the Work area and store it temporarily in the Windows Clipboard. Depending on the selection type, it can be pasted into another photo, project, album, slide show, or into a completely different application file. 7006 Paste|Click to paste contents of the Windows clipboard into the currently active photo, project, album, or slide show. Within MGI PhotoSuite II, this command is used both for outwardly supported data types such as bitmaps and for internal formats such as slides in a slide show. Where an item can be pasted depends on what type of item it is. 7007 Undo|Click the Undo button to remove the last edit made to a photo, project, album, or slide show. All edits made since the file was last saved can be undone. Edits are undone one by one, starting with the last one made. 7008 Redo|Click the Redo button to restore edits if the Undo command was used to remove them. Edits are restored one by one, starting with the last one which was undone. Once a file has been saved, all edits become final. 7009 Close|Click to close the active photo, project, album, or slide show. If you have made changes, you will be asked whether or not you would like to save them before closing. 7010 Help|Activate the Online Help system. Use the navigation panel on the left side of the help dialog to explore different help topics. From the help system, you can jump directly to MGI's web site and get more information as updates become available. 7011 Zoom/Pan|Use these tools to change the view of your photo or project by zooming in or out. If you are zoomed in so that not all of the photo can be seen in the Work area, you can scroll horizontally or vertically with the scroll bars which appear below and to the right of the photo. Alternatively, you can use the Pan tool to pan in any direction required to ideally position the section you wish to see. 7012 Zoom Tool|Use the Zoom tool to magnify the photo for more detailed editing. Zoom out to see more of the image. Press and hold the left mouse button while moving the cursor up and down over the photo to zoom continuously in or out, or click on any of the Zoom buttons in the settings area. You can also use the + and - keys in the numerical keypad together with the CTRL key to zoom in and out by 100%. 7013 Zoom in|Click this button to double the horizontal and vertical magnification of the photo or project in the Work area. This has the effect of moving closer in to the photo, thus enlarging the pixels. You can read the percentage of zoom in the Zoom Factor field to the right of the Zoom icons. Click the buttons on either side of the field to increase or decrease the zoom factor by 10%, or enter a desired factor in the field and press the Return key. 7014 Zoom out|Click this button to half the horizontal and vertical magnification of the photo or project in the Work area. This has the effect of moving farther away from the photo. You can read the percentage of zoom in the Zoom Factor field to the right of the Zoom icons. Click the buttons on either side of the field to increase or decrease the zoom factor by 10%, or enter a desired factor in the field and press the Return key. 7015 Zoom to Fit|View all of the photo or project in the Work area. 7016 Zoom 1:1|Display the photo or project in its actual size, pixel for pixel. 7018 Pan Tool|When the whole photo or project is not visible in the Work area, use the Pan tool to move the photo so that other parts are brought into view. Press and hold the left mouse button while moving the cursor over the photo to move the photo left, right, up, or down. 7019 Selection Tools|Use the selection tools to select an area for cutting, copying, or pasting. The area to be selected may be rectangular or elliptical, or you can draw it freehand. You can also base selection on color contrast by using the Magic Wand, or edges between parts of a photo by using Edge Finder. 7020 Rectangular Selection Tool|Use the Rectangular Selection tool to select a rectangular or square area of the photo for cutting, copying, or editing. 7021 Elliptical Selection Tool|Use the Elliptical Selection tool to select an elliptical or circular area of the photo for cutting, copying, or editing. 7022 Magic Wand Tool|Use the Magic Wand tool to seek and select areas of like color within a defined area of the photo. 7023 Freehand Selection Tool|Use the Freehand Selection tool to define an irregular area of your own design for cutting, copying, or editing. 7024 Edge Finder Tool|Use the Edge Finder tool to define an area of the photo for selection based on the contrast between adjoining color groups. This tool is ideal for cutting a face away from the background. 7025 Color Selector Tool|Use the Color Selector tool to define the paint and fill color selections. To select the paint color, hold the left mouse button depressed and move the cursor over the photo until the appropriate color is found. Then release the mouse button. The color will appear in the paint color square in the Settings area. To define the fill color, repeat with the right mouse button depressed. The selected color will appear in the fill color square. 7026 Clone Tool|Use the Clone tool to copy one section of photo to another area. Click once to set the source area. Click a second time to set the target area. Then press and hold the left mouse button while moving the cursor across the photo. Reset with CTRL-click. 7027 Increase/decrease brush size|Increase or decrease the brush size by clicking the up/down arrows. Click on the brush preview to select from a variety of brush shapes. 7028 Brush Preview|The Brush Preview box shows the style and size of the current brush. Adjust the size by clicking the up/down arrows. Click on the box to activate the brush selection dialog, from which you can choose from a variety of different brush styles. 7029 Unfilled Shape Tools|The Unfilled Shape tools can be used to draw a variety of shapes. These shapes have a border, but no fill color. The interior of the shape is transparent. Change the brush type by clicking the brush preview box. 7030 Line Tool|The Line tool is used for drawing straight lines on your photo. The line attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7031 Unfilled Ellipse Tool|The Unfilled Ellipse tool is used for drawing ellipses or circles which have a border but no filling. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7032 Unfilled Rectangle Tool|The Unfilled Rectangle tool is used for drawing rectangles or squares which have a border but no filling. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7033 Unfilled Rounded Rectangle Tool|The Unfilled Rounded Rectangle tool is used for drawing rectangles or squares with rounded corners, a border, but no filling. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7034 Unfilled Freehand Shape Tool|The Unfilled Freehand Shape tool is used for drawing non-symmetrical polygons and freehand shapes which have a border, but no filling. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7035 Paint Brush Tool|Apply brush-like paint effects on top of your photo. Modify the effects with Normal, Tint, Colorize, Lighten, Darken, Remove Red Eyes, Remove Blemishes, Soften, and Sharpen options. For fill paint effects, click the Fill Tools icon. 7036 Normal|Use this option to paint on your photo in a brush-like manner with the current Paint color. Hold the right mouse button depressed to paint with the Fill color. Adjust the opacity of the applied color with the Opacity slider. 7037 Paint|Use this option to replace the target color with the current paint color, while maintaining the hue of the target color. Right-click to replace with the background color. 7038 Tint|Use this option to replace the target color with the current foreground color, while maintaining the hue and the saturation of the target color. Right-click to replace with the background color. 7039 Darken|Use this option to darken areas of the photo. The effects are cumulative: Running the brush over the same area repeatedly causes the area to get darker and darker. 7040 Lighten|Use this option to lighten areas of the photo. The effects are cumulative: Running the brush over the same area repeatedly causes the area to get lighter and lighter. 7041 Filled Shape Tools|The Filled Shape tools can be used to draw different shapes. Drawing a shape with the left mouse button depressed causes the shape's border to be in the paint color and the shape's fill color to be the fill color. Drawing a shape with the right mouse button depressed reverses the colors. Shapes without borders are drawn in the fill color only. 7042 Filled Ellipse with Border Tool|The Filled Ellipse with Border tool is used for drawing elliptical shapes with a different colored border. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7043 Filled Rectangle with Border Tool|The Filled Rectangle with Border tool is used for drawing rectangular shapes with a different colored border. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7044 Rounded Rectangle with Border Tool|The Filled Rounded Rectangle with Border tool is used for drawing rounded rectangular shapes with a different colored border. The border attributes such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type can be adjusted in the settings area. 7045 Filled Freehand with Border Tool|The Filled Freehand with Border tool is used for drawing non-symmetrical shapes with curved sides on top of your photo. The quality of the filling can be altered by adjusting the colorization, opacity/intensity, brush type, and color in the settings area. 7046 Filled Ellipse Tool|The Filled Ellipse tool is used for drawing filled elliptical shapes on your photo. The attributes of the filling such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type, can be adjusted in the settings area. 7047 Filled Rectangle Tool|The Filled Rectangle tool is used for drawing filled rectangular shapes on your photo. The attributes of the filling such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type, can be adjusted in the settings area. 7048 Filled Rounded Rectangle Tool|The Filled Rounded Rectangle tool is used for drawing filled rectangular shapes with rounded corners on your photo. The attributes of the filling such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type, can be adjusted in the settings area. 7049 Filled Freehand Shape Tool|The Filled Freehand Shape tool is used for drawing filled, non-symmetrical shapes with curved sides on your photo. The attributes of the filling such as color, saturation, opacity/intensity, and brush type, can be adjusted in the settings area. 7050 Flood-Fill Tool|Apply Flood-Fill paint effects on top of your photo. Place the mouse cursor on the area of the photo where you would like the flood fill to begin. Hold the left mouse button depressed while moving the cursor through the area to be filled. Then release the mouse button. The Flood Fill will be applied to all contiguous pixels of the same color as those touched by the cursor path. To apply brush-like paint effects to areas of the photo, use the Paint Brush Tool instead of the Flood Fill. 7051 Undo Eraser|Use the Undo Eraser to restore edited sections of a photo to the underlying image. Adjust the intensity of the erasure with the Intensity slider. For intensity settings less than 100, the effects of the eraser are cumulative, provided that the mouse button is released between erase passes over a particular section of the photo. Set the brush size with the arrows on the brush preview box, and the brush style by clicking it. 7052 Load photos from computer|Load photos from hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage devices. 7053 Load photos from album|Load photos which are stored in an MGI PhotoSuite II album. 7054 Transfer photos from digital camera|Transfer one or more photos from a digital camera that is directly supported by MGI PhotoSuite II. 7055 Initiate download|Begin downloading selected photos from your digital camera to your PC. 7056 Delete|Delete the selected photo(s) from your digital camera. This will mark the image for deletion, but the actual deletion will not show on your screen until you click Refresh. 7057 Select All|Select all photos currently stored in your digital camera's memory for download, deletion, or other operations such as rotation. 7058 Rotate Left 90°|Rotate the photo from the camera counter-clockwise by 90 degrees while downloading. 7059 Rotate Right 90°|Rotate the photo from the camera clockwise by 90 degrees while downloading. 7060 Refresh Images|Refresh the memory to implement changes and deletions made to the photo selection. 7061 Camera Remote Control|Access the control system of a digital camera via the MGI PhotoSuite II software interface. 7062 Online Help|Access the online help system. 7063 Acquire Photos from TWAIN Scanner|Activate the TWAIN interface in which you can specify a TWAIN source device such as a scanner. In the Settings area, you can specify a file name and target album for the photo being acquired. 7064 Activate TWAIN Interface|Activate the TWAIN interface to acquire a photo from your scanner, digital camera, or other TWAIN device. 7065 Download Photos from Online Photo Service|Download your photos from an Online Photo Service directly from MGI PhotoSuite II via the Internet. Drag photos directly from your service and drop them into the MGI PhotoSuite II library. 7066 Download selected images|Download selected photos from the Online Photo Service. 7067 Add a New Film|Add a new film ID to your list of films. 7068 Select All|Select all photos from the Online Photo Service film. 7069 Rotate Left|Rotate the photo 90° to the left (counterclockwise) prior to downloading it from your Online Photo Service. 7070 Rotate Right|Rotate the photo 90° to the right (clockwise) prior to downloading it from your Online Photo Service. 7071 Show Billing Information|Display or change your Online Photo Service billing information. 7072 Online Help|Activate the online help system. 7073 |The Rotation tools change the orientation of your photo. If your photo is slightly tipped one way or the other due to misalignment during scanning, you can straighten it up with the Straighten tool. Use the Crop tool to trim away unwanted portions at the sides of your photo. 7074 Rotate/Mirror|Change the orientation of your photo. You can rotate the photo right or left by degrees or by preset angles. You can also create a mirror image by flipping the photo around a horizontal or vertical axis. 7075 Mirror horizontally|Create a mirror image of your photo by flipping it horizontally over a vertical axis. 7076 Rotate Right 90°|Rotate the photo 90° to the right (clockwise). To rotate by a number of degrees of your choice, choose Free Rotate. 7077 Rotate Left 90°|Rotate the photo 90° to the left (counter-clockwise). To rotate by a number of degrees of your choice, choose Free Rotate. 7078 Rotate 180°|Rotate the photo 180° to turn it upside down. 7079 Mirror vertically|Create a mirror image of your photo by flipping it vertically over a horizontal axis. 7080 Free Rotate|Rotate the photo by an amount of degrees which you determine. To rotate by exactly 90° or 180°, choose Rotate/Mirror. 7081 Rotate photo by indicated setting|Rotate photo by the number of degrees indicated in the setting area. Adjust the amount of rotation by clicking the plus or minus buttons, or by entering the number required. 7082 Return photo to original orientation|Return the photo to the orientation in which it was positioned prior to applying the rotation effect. 7083 Crop|Use the Crop tool to remove unwanted areas from the periphery of the photo. Adjust the positioning of the crop borders by dragging the round handles to any desired position. Then click the Crop button. The photo will resize to fill the viewing area. 7084 Apply the Crop effect|Clicking this button will apply the Crop effect by removing areas from the periphery of the photo which are outside the displayed crop border. Change the borders to the desired position prior to clicking this button. 7086 Straighten|Change the orientation of a photo which has been inadvertently scanned at an angle in order to adjust its alignment. Click on the photo at any spot near to one edge, then move the cursor. A line will appear. Move the cursor to another spot near the edge of the photo so that the angle of the line is the same as the angle of photo. Then click Straighten. To redo the line prior to clicking Straighten, click Reset Line. 7087 Apply the Straighten effect|Apply the desired amount of straightening. Prior to clicking the Straighten button, set the orientation angle by clicking two separate spots on the edge of the photo. A line between the two spots will display the angle to be corrected. Click Reset Line if you wish to redraw the line. 7088 Return photo to original orientation|Redraw the Straighten orientation line. 7089 |Improve the quality of your photo, change its appearance with warps and red eye removal, or apply special effects. 7090 Improve photo quality|Improve the quality of your photo by removing scratches. Enhance the photo by adjusting colors, contrast or brightness. Sharpen or soften edges. 7092 Paint Brush Tools|Use the tools in this category to apply brush-like paint effects to your photo. Modify the effects with Normal, Tint, Colorize, Darken, and Lighten options. For fill paint effects, click on the Fill Tools icon. 7093 Change photo appearance|Change the appearance of your photo by applying special effects chosen from a variety of categories. 7094 Select All|Use the Select All tool to select the entire photo for applying touchups and special effects. 7095 Choose, define, and apply warp effects|Apply a variety of warp effects to parts of your photo, or predefined warps to all of it. 7096 Interactive Warp Effects|Define the warp effect as you wish. Choose an effect from the panel below, and then hold the left mouse button depressed while dragging the cursor over the area of the photo where you wish to apply the warp. 7097 Grow|Click on the "Grow" warp effect icon and then on the photo. The area immediately surrounding the cursor will be pushed outwards. Set the size of the warp by using the Size slider. "Grow" can be applied and restored cumulatively. 7098 Shrink|Click on the "Shrink" warp effect icon and then on the photo. The area immediately surrounding the cursor will be imploded. Set the size of the warp by using the Size slider. "Shrink" can be applied and restored cumulatively. 7099 Drag|Click on the "Drag" warp effect icon, then hold the left mouse button depressed and move the cursor across the photo. The area immediately surrounding the cursor will be pushed outwards. Set the size of the warp with the Size slider. 7100 Melt|Click on the "Melt" warp effect icon, then hold the left mouse button depressed and move the cursor across the photo. The area immediately surrounding the cursor will be imploded. Set the size of the warp with the Size slider. 7101 Restore|Click on the "Restore" icon, then hold the left mouse button depressed and move the cursor across the photo in a brush-like manner. The warped area immediately surrounding the cursor will be gradually restored to its original state. 7102 Revert to unwarped photo|Remove the warp effect and return the photo to how it looked before. 7103 Apply Warp Effect|Apply your chosen warp effect to your photo. Click Reset to return the photo to its original state if you do not like the effect. 7104 Preset Warp Effects|Apply a preset warp effect to your photo. Click an icon in the Settings area to create the warp effect. You can modify the intensity the effect by adjusting the A and B sliders in the Settings area. Click the Apply button to apply the effect, or Reset to return the photo to its pre-warped state. 7105 Horizontal Wave|Horizontal Wave: Move slider A to change the wave frequency and slider B to change the wave amplitude. 7106 Vertical Wave|Vertical Wave: Move slider A to change the wave frequency and slider B to change the wave amplitude. 7107 Horizontal Funhouse Mirror|Horizontal Funhouse Mirror: Move slider A to change the wave frequency and slider B to change the wave amplitude. 7108 Vertical Funhouse Mirror|Vertical Funhouse Mirror: Move slider A to change the wave frequency and slider B to change the wave amplitude. 7109 Bulge|Bulge: Move slider A to change the bulge intensity. 7110 |You can share your photos with friends and family by printing them, saving them on floppy or hard disk, sending them via email or posting them on a Web site. 7111 Save current Photo|Save the current photo. If the file has not been named, or it currently resides on a read-only storage medium such as CD-ROM, the Save as dialog will be displayed. 7112 Save current Photo with a different name|Save the current photo with a filename different than the one it currently has. If it has not yet been given a name, use this command to give it one. If you save a file in the same location but with a different name, you will create a duplicate file. 7113 Close current Photo|Close the file which is currently being edited. If you have made changes, you will be asked if you wish to save them. 7114 Print current Photo|Click to send the photo which you are currently editing to the default printer. Prior to printing, you will be presented with an opportunity to change a number of printer settings in the Print Preview window. You can drag the photo to position it on the page manually, or automatically center it by clicking the positioning buttons. When you are ready to print, click the Print button. 7115 Previous Page|Click the Previous Page and Next Page icons to navigate through pages of a multi-page printout; for example, when printing a photo package which contains more photos than will fit on one page. 7116 Next Page|Click the Previous Page and Next Page icons to navigate through pages of a multi-page printout; for example, when printing a photo package which contains more photos than will fit on one page. 7117 Zoom In|Click the Zoom In icon to magnify the page for more detailed viewing. Click Zoom Out to see more of the page. 7118 Zoom Out|Click the Zoom Out icon to see more of the page you intend to print. Click Zoom In to see more detail. 7119 Center On Page|Click the Center on Page button to center the photo both horizontally and vertically within the printable area of the page. 7120 Center Vertically|Click the Center Vertically button to center the photo vertically within the printable area of the page. 7121 Center Horizontally|Click the Center Horizontally button to center the photo horizontally within the printable area of the page. 7122 Printer properties|Click the Properties button to access the Windows Printer Properties dialog. Through this dialog, you can modify printer settings to produce the best possible printout of your photo. 7123 Change paper orientation to Portrait|Change the print orientation to Portrait, making it taller than it is wide. 7124 Change paper orientation to Landscape|Change the print orientation to Landscape, making it wider than it is tall. 7125 Send photo to printer|Begin printing your photo. 7126 Activate online help|Launch the online help system. 7127 Print current Photo in multiple photo template|Print the current Photo in a template with different sizes as you would get from a photo store. Choose from a variety of templates. 7128 |Select a package template. 7129 Place current photo in Web-ready format|MGI PhotoSuite II will create a Web page to display your current Photo. The photo will automatically be converted to JPEG format and placed in a Web-ready document which will then be saved on your hard disk. 7130 Send directly from MGI PhotoSuite II|Share your photos with family, friends, and business associates by sending them directly from MGI PhotoSuite II by e-mail. 7131 Save current photo as Windows wallpaper|Automatically save the current photo as Windows wallpaper for your enjoyment as a background on your computer screen. 7132 Online Help|Activate the online help system. 7133 Online Help|Activate the online help system. 7134 Correct red eye color caused by taking photos with a flash|Remove Red Eye - This feature is a smart painting effect which specifically targets the color red, removing it from areas over which the cursor is brushed. To remove red eye from a photo, enlarge the photo with the Zoom tool so that the pupils can be easily edited, then choose the Remove Red Eye feature. Adjust the size of the brush and the intensity of the removal, then hold the left mouse button depressed while brushing the cursor over the pupil. 7135 |MGI PhotoSuite II allows you to make use of photos from different sources. Photos can be loaded from your computer's hard disk or removable media, acquired from a TWAIN device, or downloaded from your digital camera or an Online Photo Service. 7136 |Photos can be altered in many ways that are fun and creative. They can be zoomed for detailed editing or for viewing. Areas can be selected, and shapes can be drawn. Selections can be filled, painted over, cloned, or selectively erased. 7137 Color Swatches|The left-hand Color Swatch shows the current Paint color selection. This is the color that is associated with the left mouse button when drawing lines or using the Color Selector tool. It is also the border color of any filled shape with a border. The right Color Swatch is the Fill color selection. This will be the fill color of any filled shape. It is associated with the right mouse button when using the Color Selector. Depressing the right mouse button instead of the left when drawing shapes will reverse the Paint and Fill colors used in the shape. 7138 Monster Mirror|Monster Mirror: Move slider A change the number of horizontal reflections and slider B to change the number of vertical reflections. 7139 Share your photos electronically|Upload your photo to your Online Photo Service where it can be viewed or printed by you or by others who have access to your account. 7140 Use automatic printing and delivery|Upload your photo to your Online Photo Service with special flags for automatic printing and delivery to you. 7141 Selection Tools|Use the selection tools to select a specific area within which your touchup or special effect will be applied. The area to be selected may be rectangular or elliptical, or you can draw it freehand. You may also base selection on color contrast by using the Magic Wand, or edges between parts of a photo by using the Edge Finder. 7142 Close Print Preview without printing|Close the Print Preview without printing and return to your previous activity. 7143 Upload displayed items|Upload the items displayed in the Work area to your Online Photo Service. They will be placed in the film which is currently displayed in the Film drop-down list box. 7144 Create new film and upload displayed items|Create a new film roll in your Online Photo Service account and upload displayed items to it. Before you can upload the items, you will be prompted to enter your billing information and to confirm that you wish to create a new roll. 7145 |Close the Upload to Online Photo Services page. 7400 Object Selector|Click the icons in the Settings area to move project objects forward (in front of other objects) or back (behind other objects). You can also rotate, mirror, or delete individual objects, as well as restore the aspect ratio of altered photos. 7401 Move object to front|Move the current object in front of all other objects in the project. 7402 Move object to back|Move the current object in back of all other objects in the project. 7403 Move object forward|Move the current object one position towards the front of the project (towards the viewer). 7404 Move object backward|Move the current object one position towards the back of the project (away from the viewer). 7405 Rotate object right 90°|Rotate the object to the right (clockwise) by 90°. 7406 Rotate object left 90°|Rotate the object to the left (counter-clockwise) by 90°. 7407 Rotate object 180°|Rotate the object 180° to turn it upside down. 7408 Mirror horizontally|Create a mirror image of your photo or object by flipping it horizontally over a vertical axis. 7409 Mirror vertically|Create a mirror image of your photo or object by flipping it vertically over a horizontal axis. 7410 Delete current object|Remove the current object from the project. 7411 Restore Aspect Ratio|Restore the proportions (aspect ratio) of the selected photo or object. Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the photo's width to its height. 7412 Text Tool|Add text to your project. Click anywhere in the project to add a text object. Edit the text in the Settings area. Drag the text object to the desired location, and resize it as wished. To edit an existing text object, click inside the field and edit it in the Settings area. To add additional text objects, click anywhere in the project except within an existing text object. You may add as many text objects as you wish. 7421 Insert Props|Place props on top of your photo or project. 7422 Insert Word Balloons|Place word balloons on top of your photo or project. 7423 Add Drop Shadow|Add a drop shadow to an item in your project. 7425 Top Left Shadow|Cast a shadow of an item above and to the left of it. 7426 Top Shadow|Cast a shadow of an item above and centered behind it. 7427 Top Right Shadow|Click this icon to cast a shadow of an item above and to the right of it. 7428 Left Shadow|Cast a shadow to the left of an item. 7429 No Shadow|Remove the shadow effect. 7430 Right Shadow|Cast a shadow to the right of an item. 7431 Bottom Left Shadow|Cast a shadow of an item below and to the left of it. 7432 Bottom Shadow|Cast a shadow of an item below and centered behind it. 7433 Bottom Right Shadow|Cast a shadow of an item below and to the right of it. 7434 Change color of Drop Shadow|Choose a different color for the shadow effect. 7435 Surround Photo or Object with Frame or Mat|Surround your photo or object with a frame or a mat. You can choose from a variety of categories in the Category drop-down list box, and set the width of the frame or mat with the Width slider. 7436 Insert Mat|Insert a mat around your photo. You will be presented with a choice of mats. 7437 Insert border around photo|Surround your photo with a border. You will be presented with a selection of border types from which you can choose. 7438 Add Border Effect to Selected Object|Add a selected border to the currently marked photo or item in your project. Prior to clicking Add, select the desired border from the panel of choices below the display area by clicking on it, or simply drag it into the Work Area. 7439 Remove Border Effect from Selected Object|Remove a previously added border from the currently selected photo or item in your project. 7440 |Create photo collages by combining photos and other graphic elements into one work of art. 7441 |Create a new collage from the photo currently being edited. 7442 |Open a new photo as the starting point of your collage. 7443 |Create a package arrangement of differently sized copies of your photo. 7444 |Create a free-form arrangement of your photo. 7445 |Insert your photo as the centerpiece of a calendar or a card. Choose from a variety of calendar types and motifs. You can also use your photo in a bookmark, wedding announcement, greeting card, or post card design. 7446 |Choose the template, month, and year in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. Drag your photo into the template from the Library, or choose the command Add Photo from the File menu. 7448 |Choose the greeting card template in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. 7450 |Choose the postcard template in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. 7451 |Choose the wedding collection template in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. Drag your photo into the template from the Library, or choose the command Add Photo from the File menu. 7452 |Choose the bookmark template in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. Drag your photo into the template from the Library, or choose the command Add Photo from the File menu. 7454 |Insert your photo as the central element in sport cards, identification cards, or magazine covers. Place your photo in an unusual background. 7455 |Place your photo in a sport card. Choose from a variety of cards. 7456 |Place your photo, or parts of it, in another scene or context. 7457 |Insert your photo as the central element in concert passes. 7458 |Make your photo the centerpoint of a poster. Choose from a variety of poster templates, and drag your photo into it from the photo library. 7459 |Place your photo in a sports ticket. Choose from a variety of ticket templates. 7460 |Create a new and different identification card with your photo inserted. 7461 |Give the illusion of being famous by placing your photo on the cover of a magazine. 7462 |Insert photos in a variety of business templates. 7463 |Insert your photo in business certificates. Choose from a selection of templates. 7464 |Create business cards with your photo featured as a central element. 7465 |Create attractive cover pages for reports of various types by inserting photos into templates. 7466 |Incorporate photos on sticky labels using appropriately presized templates for Avery labels, as well as labels for floppy disks and other removable storage media. 7467 |Use your photos to create promotional material for your business by placing them in eye-catching templates. 7468 |You can share your photos with friends and family by printing them, saving them on a floppy or hard disk, sending them via email, or posting them on a Web site. 7469 |Save the current photo with a filename different than the one it currently has. If it has not yet been given a name, use this command to give it one. If you save a file in the same location but with a different name, you will create a duplicate file. 7470 |Save the current project. If the project file has not yet been named, or it currently resides on a read-only storage medium such as CD-ROM, the Save as dialog will be displayed. 7471 |Close the file which is currently being edited. If you have made changes, you will be asked if you wish to save them. 7472 |Use this icon to send the photo layout which you are currently editing to the printer. Prior to printing, you will be presented with an opportunity to change a number of printer settings. When you are ready to print, click the Print button. 7473 |Use this icon to send the photo package which you are currently editing to the printer. Prior to printing, you will be presented with an opportunity to change a number of printer settings. When you are ready to print, click the Print button. 7474 |Create a Web page from the current Photo. 7475 |Send the current photo via e-mail. 7476 |Transform the photo currently being edited into Windows wallpaper. 7477 |Clicking Select will move your chosen template to the Work area. You can then drag a photo from the library into the template and resize it as you wish. 7478 |Create an arrangement of your photos in templates with layouts similar to those used in comic books. Drag your photos from the library directly into the templates. 7479 |Electronically simulate photo album page layouts and place your photos in the placeholders in the template by dragging them from the library. 7480 |Alter the edge of your photo by choosing from the selection of edge templates and dragging your photo into the template from the library. 7481 |Choose the template and year in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. Drag your photo into the template from the Library, or choose the command Add Photo from the File menu. 7482 |Choose the template, quarter, and year in which you wish your photo to appear, then click Select. Drag your photo into the template from the Library, or choose the command Add Photo from the File menu. 7483 |Upload your project to your Online Photo Service where it can be viewed or printed by you or by others who have access to your account. 7484 |Upload your project to your Online Photo Service with special flags for automatic printing and delivery to you. 7485 |Make name tags from your photo. 7486 Body Switches|Place a head shot from your photo on a body from another photo, or create other amusing effects. 7500 Back to the album index 7501 Next Slide 7502 Previous Slide 7503 Saving working file... 7504 Photo 7505 Project 7506 Album 7507 Slide Show 7508 Creating web page(s)... 7601 Open selected file|Open a photo from an album for editing. You will automatically be switched to Edit mode. 7602 Album or Item Properties|If you have an empty album, or if you have no album item selected, clicking this icon will launch the Album Properties dialog, in which you can specify generic properties for the album such as thumbnail size. If one or more items in the album are selected, the Item Properties dialog launches. To alter generic properties of an album after it contains items, right click on the album background and choose Properties. 7603 Update thumbnails|Regenerate album thumbnail images from the current photos. This will incorporate any changes made to photos since they were added to the album. 7604 Add file to album|Add a new photo, sound, or video file to an album. 7605 Deleted Selected Items|Delete any selected items from the album. 7606 Sort album items|Sort album items in ascending or descending order. The sort key can be any one of the 21 editable fields in the Item Properties dialog, as well as file name, size, or date. 7607 Search for album item|Search through an album for an item you wish to find. You can search on text in any of the 21 editable fields in the Item Properties dialog, as well as file name or date. 7608 Select all album items|Select all items in an album with one click on this icon. 7609 |You can share your albums with friends and family by printing them, saving them on a floppy or hard disk, sending them via email, or posting on a Web site. 7610 Save current Album|Save the current album. If the album file has not yet been named, or it currently resides on a read-only storage medium such as CD-ROM, the Save as dialog will be displayed. 7611 Save current Album with a different name|Save the current album with a filename different than the one it currently has. If it has not yet been given a name, use this command to give it one. If you save a file in the same location but with a different name, you will create a duplicate file. 7612 Close current Album|Close the currently active album. If you have made changes, you will be asked whether or not you would like to save them before closing. 7613 Print current Album|Print the album which you are currently editing with the photos arranged in a layout which accommodates several photos per page. Prior to printing, you will be presented with an opportunity to change a number of printer settings. When you are ready to print, click the Print button. 7614 Create Web pages from current Album|Create a set of Web pages from the current Album. These will be linked by a central album page. MGI PhotoSuite II will automatically create links between the central album page and each of the individual photo display pages. 7615 Send current Album via e-mail|Send the current Album via e-mail. 7616 Upload current Album to Online Photo Service|Upload your album to your Online Photo Service where it can be viewed or printed by you or by others who have access to your account. 7617 Print current Album via Online Photo Service|Upload your album to your Online Photo Service with special flags for automatic printing and delivery to you. 7700 Back|Move to the previously viewed Web page. 7701 Forward|Move forward one Web page. 7702 Stop|Stop a Web page download currently in progress. 7703 Refresh|Refresh the currently viewed Web page. 7704 Home|Jump to the Home page defined in the Internet Options dialog. This can be accessed by choosing the Internet Options command from the View menu. 7705 Print|Print the Web page currently being viewed. 7706 Activate Help|Activate the Online Help system. 7707 |Visit the PHOTO STREET Web site to discover the exciting world of PC Photography. 7708 |Jump to the PHOTO STREET home page. 7709 |Explore the world of PC Photography with the help of MGI's online Guidebook. 7710 |Read about topics of interest in the pages of MGI's online magazine: PHOTOzine. There you will find articles about PC Photography, digital publishing, multimedia communication, and much more. 7711 |View photos, collages, and other creations by MGI customers. Find inspiration for your own photo projects. 7712 |Visit the Tips and Tricks page on the MGI Internet site to learn how experienced users have achieved exciting visual effects with MGI products. 7713 |Access Online Photo Service bureaus. View your photo finishing online, order reprints, enlargements, and photo gifts. 7714 |This icon provides a direct link to the PhotoNet web site. 7715 |This icon provides a direct link to the FujiFilmNet online service bureau. 7716 |Access a special MGI Web Site page which will provide you with general information about various available Online Photo Services and how they work. 7717 |This icon provides a direct link to the Sony ImageStation web site. 7718 |This icon provides a direct link to the FotoWire online service bureau. 7720 |The Internet provides a vast source of photo content. Access search engines to find the photo you need. 7721 |This icon provides a direct link to the Lycos Pictures && Sound search site. 7722 |Update MGI PhotoSuite II with a variety of new tools and special effects as they become available. Download updates to program and content files. 7723 |Access the Updates page of MGI's Web site to download patches which will update your software version to the most recent release. 7724 |Access the MGI Cool Stuff Internet page. Here you will find a variety of new tools, special effects, content, and other goodies to make MGI PhotoSuite II even more fun to use. 7725 Return to previous Guide selection page|Jump back to the previously viewed Guide selection page. This is useful if you have not found the Guide you wish and want to navigate backward through the hierarchy of selection pages. 7726 Go to main Guide page|Jump back to the previously viewed Guide selection page. This is useful if you have not found the Guide you wish and want to navigate backward through the hierarchy of selection pages. 7727 Guides to get photos into your computer|Get photos from your computer, from a TWAIN device, or directly from your digital camera. Use your scanner to digitize an old photo so that it can be refreshed and renewed in MGI PhotoSuite II. Download photos from your favorite Online Photo Service. 7728 Guides to provide basic fixes to your photo|Use Fix Photo to improve the basic quality of your photos. To touch up your photo, select Fix Colors, Remove Red Eye or Remove Blemishes. 7729 Guides to aid and enhance your creativity|Dress up your photos to create photo masterpieces. You can add text and props to photos or choose from a wide selection of photo projects such as greeting cards and calendars. 7730 Guides to save photos and share them with others|Save your photo to your hard disk or floppy disk. Share your photos and projects with friends, family and business associates by printing individual copies or a complete photo package. Send your photos via E-mail. 7731 |This icon provides a direct link to the Kodak PhotoNet Online web site. 7732 |This icon provides a direct link to the Lycos Pictures && Sound search site. 7800 |You can share your slide shows with friends and family by printing them, saving them on a storage medium like a floppy or hard disk, sending them via email or posting them as part of a web site. 7801 Save current slide show|Save the current slide show. If the slide show file has not yet been named, or it currently resides on a read-only storage medium such as CD-ROM, the Save as dialog will be displayed. 7802 Save current slide show with a different name|Save the current slide show with a filename other than the one it currently has. If it has not yet been given a name, use this command to give it one. If you save a file in the same location but with a different name, you will create a duplicate file. 7803 Close current slide show|Close the current slide show. If you have made changes, you will be asked whether or not you would like to save them before closing. 7804 Print current slide show as photo package|Print a slide show in a matrix layout of your choice. Chose the layout from the variety of template files by double clicking on it. The slides from your slide show will appear in the matrix on a Print Preview screen. Click the Print button to proceed. 7805 Create web pages from current slide show|Create a series of HTML pages, each of which contains one slide from your slide show. The pages will be linked in the same order in which they appear in the slide show. 7806 Send current slide show via e-mail|Automatically convert your slide show to Advanced Streaming Format for efficient email transport and display. Your show will then be attached to an empty email message in your default email program. Add an address, a message of your choice, and send. 7807 Delete selected items|Delete one or more photos from your slide show. 7808 Add photo to slide show|Add one or more photos to your slide show. The new photo will be added at the end of the show. You can then drag it to the location you desire. 7809 Slide show Item Properties|Change properties for an individual photo or transition in a slide show. For quick access to this dialog while you are creating a slide show, right click on the slide show Storyline area. 7810 Slide show Properties|Change properties for a slide show such as default background color, slide and transition durations, as well as background sound. Optimize default display resolution and color depth for full screen slide show display. For quick access to this dialog while you are creating a slide show, right click on the slide show Storyline area. 7811 First Frame|Jump to the first slide in your slide show. 7812 Previous Frame|Move to the previous frame in your slide show. 7813 Stop|Stop playing your slide show. 7814 Play|Play your slide show. It will appear either in the Work area or covering the entire screen, depending on the status of the Full Screen icon. 7815 Pause|Pause your slide show. Click Play to resume playing. 7816 Next Frame|Move to the next frame in your slide show. 7817 Last Frame|Jump to the last slide in your slide show. 7818 Loop|Play your slide show continuously. 7819 Full Screen|Switch slide show playback between the Work area and the entire computer screen. To optimize slide presentation in Full Screen mode, adjust the settings in the Slide Show Properties dialog by clicking the Slide Show Properties icon at the top of the toolbar. Alternatively, you can right click on the slide show Storyline area and choose Slideshow Properties. 7820 Wipe left|Wipe left transition. The new slide will appear behind the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7821 Wipe right|Wipe right transition. The new slide will appear behind the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7822 Wipe up|Wipe up transition. The new slide will appear behind the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7823 Wipe down|Wipe down transition. The new slide will appear behind the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7824 Push left|Push left transition. The new slide will push the old one off the screen. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7825 Push right|Push right transition. The new slide will push the old one off the screen. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7826 Push up |Push up transition. The new slide will push the old one off the screen. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7827 Push down|Push down transition. The new slide will push the old one off the screen. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7828 Cover from left|Cover from left transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7829 Cover from right|Cover from right transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7830 Cover from top|Cover from top transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7831 Cover from bottom|Cover from bottom transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7832 Cover from upper left|Cover from upper left transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7833 Cover from upper right|Cover from upper right transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7834 Cover from lower left|Cover from lower left transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7835 Cover from lower right|Cover from lower right transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7836 Box from outside|Box from outside transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7837 Box from inside|Box from inside transition. The new slide will move in to cover the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7838 Mosaic|Mosaic transition. The new slide will appear behind the old one. Drag the transition icon to a position between the two slides where the transition is desired. Select the first slide, then click the Play icon to view the transition. 7839 Cut|Basic Cut transition. The new slide appears immediately in place of the old one with no time delay. This transition can be replaced by dragging any desired transition from the Transition Library at the right of the Work area and dropping it on top of the Basic Cut transition. It will reappear again if the optional transition is deleted from the Storyline. 7900 Minimize Navigation Panel|Use the Minimize Navigation Panel button to change the navigation panel buttons to icons, thus enlarging the photo viewing and editing area. 7901 Maximize Navigation Panel|Use the Maximize Navigation Panel button to change the navigation panel icons to buttons with descriptive text. This will reduce photo viewing and editing area, but will help the novice user. 7902 Show/Hide Photo Library|Show/Hide the photo library. This will reduce/maximize the size of the viewing area. 7904 Acquire Photos from TWAIN Digital Camera|Activate the TWAIN camera interface to acquire one or more photos from a digital camera. In the Settings area, you can specify a file name and target album for the photo being acquired. 7905 Photo Activities|Enhance your photos with editing tools and special effects. Touch up flaws, remove red eye, eliminate dust and scratches. Adjust color, brightness, and contrast. Make your photos look their absolute best. 7906 Project Activities|Create photo collages. Add text to your photos. Place your photos in poster, card, calendar, or other templates for all kinds of uses in the home or in business. 7907 Album Activities|Create electronic photo albums for quick, easy viewing. Arrange photos in any order, resize them, and add titles, captions, or other descriptive information. Search your albums to retrieve a lost photo answering to particular description. 7908 Slide Show Activities|Create a slide show from your photos, complete with transitions and sound. 7909 Internet Activities|Share your photos and photo creations with friends and family via the Internet. Search the Web for photo material for your projects. Make use of Online Photo Services. 7910 Guided Activities|Let MGI PhotoSuite II guide you through your chosen activity step by step. 8000 Mats 8001 Metallic Frames 8002 Wood Frames 8003 Deluxe Wood Frames 8004 Funky Frames 8015 Animals 8016 Antiques 8017 Art 8018 Business 8019 Butterflies 8020 Drinks 8021 Flowers 8022 Fruits 8023 Home 8024 Jewelry & Timepieces 8025 Music 8026 Office 8027 Special Occasions 8028 Sports 8029 Tools 8030 Toys & Games 8031 Vegetables 8032 Work 8033 SE Props 8050 Expressive 8051 Narrative 8052 Speech (Irregular) 8053 Speech (Rectangular) 8054 Speech (Round) 8055 Thought 8065 Monthly Calendars 8070 3-Month Calendars 8075 Yearly Calendars 8080 Backgrounds 8085 Bookmarks 8090 Business Cards 8095 Certificates 8100 Comic Book Pages 8105 Plain Group Photo 8110 Landscape Edges 8111 Portrait Edges 8112 Shapes 8113 Alphanumeric 1 8114 Alphanumeric 2 8115 Alphanumeric 3 8116 Alphanumeric 4 8117 SE Edge Effects 8125 Fun IDs 8129 Folding Instructions 8130 Announcements 8131 Apology 8132 Birthday 8133 Business 8134 Celebrations 8135 Christmas 8136 Congratulations 8137 Encouragement 8138 Family 8139 Friendship 8140 Holidays 8141 Love 8142 Religious 8143 Special 8144 Thank-You 8145 Miscellaneous 8146 Invitations 8147 SE Greeting Cards 8155 Avery Labels 8156 Generic (Letter) 8157 Kodak Inkjet Photo Stickers 8158 Avery Stickers 8165 General 8166 Business 8167 Lifestyle 8168 Science and Technology 8169 Sport and Hobby 8170 Miscellaneous 8171 SE Magazines 8180 Letterhead 8181 Listings 8182 Title Pages 8183 SE Page Layouts 8190 Photo Albums 8195 Photo Packages Letter 8196 Photo Packages A4 8200 Postcards 8205 Page Art 8206 Simple Landscape Poster 8207 Simple Portrait Poster 8215 Multi-Print Projects (Letter) 8216 Multi-Print Projects (A4) 8217 Avery (Letter) 8218 Avery (A4) 8219 Kodak (Letter) 8220 Kodak (A4) 8221 Coupons 8222 Displays 8223 Flyers 8224 Tickets and Passes 8235 Ready to use 8236 Make your own 8240 Albums 8241 Cards 8242 Page 8243 CD Jewel Case Cover 8244 Large VHS tape cover 8245 Small VHS tape cover 8246 Wine bottle labels 8255 Female 8256 Male 8257 General 8258 Multiple 8259 Wigs 8260 Parchment Group Photo 8261 Hats 8265 Photo Name Tags 8270 Landscape Sport Cards 8271 Portrait Sport Cards 8272 Landscape Tickets and Passes 8273 Portrait Tickets and Passes 8274 Landscape Fun IDs 8275 Portrait Fun IDs 8276 Four Panel Card 8277 CD Sleeve 8278 CD Tray 8279 Zip Disk Jewel Case Labels 8280 Jaz Disk Case Labels 8281 CD Label 9900 Trebuchet MS 9901 1 9908 1252 9909 400 9910 -11 9911 -13 9912 -11 9913 -11 9914 -11 9915 -11 9916 -11 10000 English 10001 French 10002 German 10003 Japanese 11000 Drag Prop from the settings area into Project or double click on the Prop to add it. 11001 Drag Word Balloon from the settings area into Project or double click on the Word Balloon to add it. 11002 Click on an object in the Project to select it. 11003 Click inside text to edit, click outside text to add a new text object. 11004 Select an object and drag a frame from the settings area into the project or double click on the frame to add it. 11005 Drag Mats from the settings area into the Project. 11006 Drag Edges from the settings area into the Project. 11007 Use the settings area to modify the shadow attributes of the selected object. 11008 Drag body switch from the settings area into Project or double click on the body switch to add it. 11020 Click and drag up to zoom in and click and drag down to zoom out. 11021 Click and drag to move photo. 11022 Use Shift and Ctrl as constraints. Esc to abort. 11023 Use Shift as constraint. Esc to abort. Backspace to undo last click. 11024 Use Shift as constraint. Esc to abort. 11025 Hold down Ctrl and left click to reset the origin. Esc to abort. 11026 Left click to set foreground/border color and right click to set background/fill color. 11027 Downloading... 11028 Single click or click and drag to apply fill color 11029 Resizing photo... 11030 Cropping photo... 11031 Straightening photo... 11032 Applying effect... 11033 Generating %S preview... 11034 Opening... 11035 Saving... 11036 Rotating photo... 11037 Connecting to Camera. 11038 Creating ASF file... 11039 Single click or click and drag to select. Esc to abort. 11040 Esc to abort. Backspace to undo last click. 11060 Slide %d of %d 11061 Playing Slide Show. 11062 Slide Show paused. 11063 Slide Show ready. 12000 Normal 12001 Tint 12002 Colorize 12003 Lighten 12004 Darken 12005 Remove Red Eye 12006 Remove Blemishes 12007 Soften 12008 Sharpen 12050 Auto Enhance 12051 Brightness and Contrast 12052 Fix Colors 12053 Scratch Removal 12054 Sharpen 12055 Invert 12056 Blur 12100 Natural 12101 Fog 12102 Glass 12103 Snow 12104 Wind 12105 Smoked Glass 12200 Artistic 12201 Cartoonize 12202 Crystallize 12203 Emboss 12204 Mirage 12205 Paintings 12206 Posterize 12207 Splatter 12208 Swirl 12209 Ripple 12210 Spherize 12300 Geometric 12301 Mosaic 12302 Randomize 12303 Tile 12400 Enhancement 12401 Gaussian Blur 12402 Smart Blur 12500 Lens 12501 Warm 12502 Cool 12503 Sepia 12504 Tan 12505 Moonlight 12506 Antique 12507 Invert 12508 MGI PhotoSuite II cannot create a photo greater than 25 MB (25600 KB) in size. Please reduce the size to continue. 12509 MGI PhotoSuite II cannot create a project greater than 25 MB (25600 KB) in size. Please reduce the size to continue. 12510 Don't show this warning again 12511 Your picture has been converted to True Color (24-bit). If you wish to preserve the your original picture, please use the Save As... command. 12520 WebPages 12521 thumbs 12522 pages 12530 About MGI PhotoSuite II 40030 http://www.mgisoft.com/Products/Register/ 40031 http://www.mgisoft.com/Support 40032 http://www.mgisoft.com/Products/MGIStore/ 40033 http://www.mgisoft.com/Products/ProductShowcase/Product09/ 40034 http://www.mgisoft.com 50000 Photos 50001 Photo Activities 50002 Projects 50003 Project Publishing Activities 50004 Albums 50005 Album Activities 50006 Slide Shows 50007 Slide Show Activities 50008 Internet 50009 Internet Activities 50010 Guides 50011 Guided Activities 50020 English 50100 Select 50101 Select 50102 Properties 50104 Print 50105 Print 50106 E-Mail 50107 E-Mail 50108 HTML 50109 HTML 50110 Port 50111 Port 50114 Cancel 50115 Cancel 50116 Next Page 50117 Next Page 50118 Previous Page 50119 Previous Page 50120 Edit Edge 50121 Edit Edge 50122 Crop 50123 Crop Photo 50124 Reset 50125 Reset 50126 Apply 50127 Apply Current Settings 50128 Download 50129 Download 50500 Select a Category: 50504 Opacity: 50505 Edge Fading: 50506 Category: 50508 Shadow: 50510 Movement: 50512 Opacity: 50514 Fading: 50516 Color: 50518 E-Mail Photo and PhotoWeb Test 50520 Copies: 50522 Current Page: 50524 Aspect Ratio: 50526 Width: 50528 Height: 50530 Zoom Factor (%): 50532 Trace Width: 50534 Tolerance: 50536 Camera: 50538 Add to an Album: 50540 Address 50542 Printer: 50544 Print Size: 50546 Click when Ready. 50548 Print Current Page Only 50550 Orientation: 50552 Maintain aspect ratio 50553 Copies: 51000 255,255,255 51010 C,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 51011 C,0.1,0.87,0.9,0.95 51012 0.2,0.2,0.85,0.8 51013 C,0.0,0.75,1.0,1.0 51014 0.2,0.2,0.85,0.8 51015 0.05,0.2,0.85,0.8 51050 106,172,174 51051 30,150,215 51052 File: 51053 Show All 51054 Cancel Search and display all thumbnails 51055 Title: 51056 Date: 51057 Size: 51058 Copyright Information 51059

Welcome to Albums

 Don't show welcome pages

Gather your photos into Albums and then organize them by Title, Location, Event and many other keywords. Search for photos in an album. Save, print, and create your own web pages.

To get started...

  • To create a new album, click on the New icon on the Command Bar above.
  • To open an existing album, click on the Open icon on the Command Bar.


Welcome to Slide Shows

 Don't show welcome pages

Present your photos with creative slide shows and add different transitions between photos, attach sound files to each photo or transition, making them a true multimedia event. Once created, you can save and share them via e-mail.

To get started...

  • Use the "Command Bar" at the top of the screen and click the New or Open icon.
  • Set your preferences in the Window that appears and Select OK.


Navigation Canceled

More information

MGI PhtotSuite II was unable to connect to the Web page you requested because navigation was canceled. There are several reasons why this might happen:

Helpful Hints


Welcome to Photos

 Don't show welcome pages

Capture photos from many sources. Use your imagination to Touch Up and Transform your pictures. Save, print, send via e-mail and even put them on a web page.

To get started...

  • Click on "Get Photo" to the left of this screen.
  • Select the location of your photo from the flyout.
  • You can also use the Guides Mode for step by step advice for many tasks in PhotoSuite II.


Welcome to Projects

 Don't show welcome pages

Create projects using your photos. Choose from Greeting Cards, Calendars, Sport Cards, Posters, Business Cards, Stationery and much more. Save, print, and share your photos via e-mail.

To get started...

  • To create a new project, select one of the Project Categories to the left of this screen.
  • To open an existing project, click on the Open icon on the Command Bar above.
  • You can also select the Guides Mode for step by step advice for many tasks in PhotoSuite II.


Welcome to the Internet


MGI PhotoSuite II is your PC Photography connection to the World Wide Web. Easily capture photos from any web page you visit. Learn more about PC Photography by connecting to over 1,000 photo related Web sites on PHOTO STREET.

To get started...

  • Click on "PHOTO STREET" to the left of this screen.
  • Visit many other links in MGI PhotoSuite II such as "LYCOS PICTURES & SOUNDS".
  • Open the "Photos Library" on the right using the arrow in the top right corner. Drag and drop photos from any web site directly to the Library for later use.


Welcome to MGI PhotoSuite II - Internet connection

The Internet activity area lets you surf the Web from within MGI PhotoSuite II. You can capture photos from the web pages during your visit. You can also learn about PC Photography from the many preset sites that are available in the flyouts.

You currently don't have an internet connection. You must create one before you can use PhotoSuite II's Internet connection.


Microsoft, Windows, ActiveX, DirectX and DirectShow are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft.

Avery and Avery codes are trademarks of Avery Dennison Corporation.

CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.

The TWAIN Toolkit is distributed as is. The developer and distributors of the TWAIN Toolkit expressly disclaim all implied, express or statutory warranties including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement of third party rights and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the developers nor the distributors will be liable for damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential, as a result of the reproduction, modification, distribution or other use of the TWAIN Toolkit.

Kodak Digital Science Photo CD Access Developer's Toolkit copyright © 1991-1996 Eastman Kodak Company.

PhotoNet is a registered Trademark of PictureVision Inc.

Lycos® is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University

ImageStation is a registered trademark of Sony Electronics Inc.

Kodak is a registered Trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.

STiNG is a trademark of Iterated Systems, Inc.

Abode, PhotoShop, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Intel is registered trademark, and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation.

EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.

Agfa is a trademark of Bayer Corporation, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Typography Limited registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.

Adolescence is a trademark of Lunchbox Digital Typeface Library.

Banjoman is a trademark of Paul Veres.

Bermuda is a trademark of LetterPerfect Design.

Century Poster is a trademark of Monotype Typography Limited registered 51067 51068

Product Management

Simon KeoghChris Laidlaw

Program Management

Pierre Lagacé

User Interface Design

Mike AlkanMichael Harris


Jason Cheong-Kee-YouDale Darling
Yanick DufresneMartin Eskildsen
Vlad GlabaiShuxin Liu
Norman MartinaPrasad Maruvada
Larisa MoskvitinaLee Norr
Razvan OpreaAlan Page
Mike PotJørgen Rasmussen
Greg RezansoffAdrian Sampaleanu
Vlad SheyngartJeff Smith
Brenda Zysman

Content and Graphics

Bruce ChapmanStephen Cheung
Michael FangPeter Gatt
Mario GeorgiouLeighton Grant
William LumPeter Macchione
Jamie Todd


Chris GrayFrank Staples
David Won


Inna SoummerPaul Sproxton

Quality Assurance

Xavier GalvezDerek Jagdeo
Bryan JoyceBill Marriott
Saeed MohamedBang Nguyen
Matthew RackBrock Rowlands
Rick SpeckeenJohn Visca


Hyunjoo ChoeAriane Duddey
Fazel IravanchiSook Hee Kim
Paul MinSpencer Park
Hideki Sumi


Howard CarsonRichard Sikes

Welcome to
MGI PhotoSuite II


 Don't show me this screen again

51071 License Agreement 51072 in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.

Creepy is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Curlz is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Eraser Dust is a trademark of Intecsas.

Falstaff is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Figaro is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Footlight is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

KidTYPE is a trademark of DS Design.

Mistral is a trademark of Trip Productions BV.

Orbus Multiserif is a trademark of Charles Anderson.

Palace Script is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Plump is trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Space Toaster is a trademark of Exploding Font Company.

Team is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Wendy is a trademark of LetterPerfect Design.

M Sung is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

M Mincho is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Impact is a trademark of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd.

Arial Trademark of The Monotype Corporation plc registered in the US Pat & TM Off. and elsewhere.

Courier Trademark of The Monotype Corporation plc registered in certain countries.

Times New Roman Trademark of The Monotype Corporation plc registered in the US Pat & TM Off. and elsewhere.

Andale is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.


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